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How To Send Friend Request On Facebook When You Are Blocked

Facebook don't makes it easy for us to add unknown people as our friends. You may have

experienced a stage at least one time in your FB account showing a popup message that your friend request has been blocked for 1 day, 3 days, 7 days, 15 days or even 30 days. At that time you can't send out friend request on Facebook to anybody no matter if you know that person or not you been banned to send request for a particular time period. This is due to Facebook guidelines which don't allow us to send friend request to strangers because it considers it as spam, for that reason facebook temporarily turned off your sending friend request option. This is usually done to protect personal privacy of peoples, quite a few people use to add unknown people as their friends and  make misuse of their profile. Here we will give you some trick not to get banned from sending friend request on facebook and some guidelines to keep your account not disable.
Facbook Add Personal Contacts as Friends

1.Get the person's email address first .
3.Here you can send friend request even if your are blocked by using their email address.
4.If you want to send friend request to lot's of friends here is an quick and easy way to do this.
5.Open up a new notepad file, paste all your friends email separated by comma (,)
6.Save the notepad file with the extension .vcf
7.This is your list of your contact files containing your friends email address.
8.Go to Add Personal Contacts as Friends click on the last option other tools there you can find upload contact file.
9.Browse your .vcf file and upload to the facebook.
10.It will send friend request to your friend's by email and facebook.
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