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Vocabulary 2-5-2023

 something the PTA can also partake in.

One possibility that could have traction on both sides is to revisit the four-point formula that was successfully negotiated in 2007

sought applications from aspiring candidates to vie for the NA seats

Only when the recent uptick in terrorism revealed the TTP’s agenda and real intention

when the state rescinded its policy, foreseeing the Taliban’s return to power in Afghanistan.

religious scholars had taken more than a decade to issue an unambiguous decree against terrorism

Political parties also resort to bickering as the government and opposition blame each other for the upsurge in terrorist incidents in the country

Few contours of such an approach have already been discussed on these pages


        One can’t even begin to imagine the burden of debt increased by the PTI or the unfunded subsidies it doled out when faced with the spectre of a no-confidence vote

The cumulative effect of all this dithering, coupled with global factors well beyond Pakistan’s control,

Many do agree in principle, however, that a prolonged communication gap with Pakistan will not be cost-free for India

the two countries would not only help overcome mutual mistrust but also make South Asia a bastion of peace and development.

Even the recent peace initiatives that Pakistan took elicited little reciprocity from India:

The larger concern for Pakistan is that effo­rts are afoot to chan­­ge the demography of occupied Kashmir through new domicile rules and opening of voter lists to non-Kashmiri residents.

One possibility that could have traction on both sides is to revisit the four-point formula that was successfully negotiated in 2007


took stock of the overall political situation

Meanwhile, if the establishment continues to wield its influence over the civilian infrastructure,


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