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 he girls I meet around the world always share insightful personal stories and astute critiques of power that inform and influence my campaign for girls’ education through Malala Fund.

The source of liberal disdain is twofold


strategic cacophony


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 Former U.S. President Donald Trump’s hostility to NATO and the continuing dysfunction of the U.S. political system have rattled European leaders even as they appreciate the Biden administration’s assiduous diplomacy and staunch support.The United States should encourage a

flagrant violation of international law, and the West should do everything—short of engaging Russia directly—to help the Ukrainians fight Russian forces to a standstill.

China will try to behave as a more responsible country even as it cozies up to Russia.

It will presage a new kind of nonmilitary arms race, where nations compete to set up their own systems and regional commercial blocks, reconfiguring the balance of economic power.

nd the sanctions now in place will hamstring the battered Russian economy for years to come

little traction

Although it is obscene to blame the United States for Putin’s inhumane attack on Ukraine, to insist that the invasion was entirely unprovoked is misleading

 and Americans must grapple with this fact.

For critics of American power, the best way for the United States to cope is for it to retrench its position in the world, divest itself of overseas obligations that others ought to handle, and serve, at most, as a distant offshore balancer.

It is easy to see why Washington felt no great compulsion to drive NATO eastward. Few Americans at that time saw the organization as a bulwark against Russian expansion

 China may claim the “nine-dash line”—enclosing most of the South China Sea—as marking its sphere of interest, but until Beijing can enforce it, other powers are unlikely to acquiesce.


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New Delhi has often been a laggard.

But Washington’s latest aid package to Pakistan appears to be a tacit admission

For India, this sequence of events brings an eerie sense of déjà vu.


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We need a concerted effort to bring together emaciated progressives, win over the centrists and then liberate the youthful mass taken in by the hateful sloganeering of various shares of rightists.

The only major difference during their recent stints in office is that Miftah did a deal with the IMF as soon as he was made finance minister, while Dar dithered and put off the inevitable.

This is true irrespective of whoever is the finance minister. Certain liberal segments are convinced that all would be well if Miftah Ismail had not been replaced by Ishaq Dar at the helm of the PDM’s economic wheel.

So we trundle along towards a genuine nazuk daur (critical period). I am not talking about the one which our (predominantly uniformed) ruling class has been threatening us with since 1947 — the basis for the obsolete militarised, rentier state logic that finally appears to be running aground.

Lest anyone has forgotten, ours is an exceedingly youthful population; 150 million young people cannot bide time forever through illicit/informal means and/or the gig economy.

Unless there is fundamental transformation of the debt-fuelled formal economy, default and/or stagflation will hit us soon

Indeed, the most viable short-term prognosis is that economy, society and polity will continue to implode.

In sum, the downward spiral shows no sign of relenting.

All the shenanigans will only result in a measly tranche of $1.2 billion, almost all of which will go straight back out of our coffers to meet existing debt repayments.


The most recent iteration of this merry-go-round saw the government going through the motions of farcical parliamentary legislation to levy yet more indirect taxes on a helpless populace.


cobbled streets

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 long-standing relationship

cultural affinity


Saudi Arabia’s use of the death penalty is prolific, and foreign nationals often find themselves being disproportionately affected by capital punishment.

there are currently 2,000 of our countrymen languishing in Saudi jails, mostly over drug offences.

Lack of economic opportunities at home drives destitute Pakistanis into the arms of predatory criminals masquerading as overseas employment promoters, or benevolent facilitators of free umrah and Haj schemes.

The same year saw 80 Pakistani nationals released and returned home under the royal clemency

This agreement, which was negotiated by successive governments, is a testament to the cross-party recognition of the importance of protecting Pakistani prisoners in Saudi Arabia

hit a brick wall,

Since then, efforts to repatriate the remaining Pakistanis in the kingdom’s jails seem to have hit a brick wall,

The due process violations that abound in Saudi courts render any deprivation of life by the state arbitrary and unlawful.


The diplomatic engagement seen in the past decade brought forth a hard-earned respite from executions of Pakistanis in Saudi Arabia.


Fire-safety provisions were added in 2016 under the auspices of the NDMA and Pakistan Engineering Council

Only rudimentary advice by masons or petty contractors is taken

Many multistoried buildings in otherwise planned locations also display design and construction flaws. Most were built in connivance with greedy, unscrupulous personnel in building control authorities.

Similarly, appraisal of under-construction buildings and plans needs to be carried out.

Routine safety audits must be commissioned by concerned building controllers to keep a check on inhabited buildings.

In the present economic meltdown, important priorities, such as planning for disasters, have tak­en a back seat.


and here in the west, a loose confederation of socially disparate provinces, each with its own subculture, local dialect and provincial pretensions.


and here in the west, a loose confederation of socially disparate provinces, each with its own subculture, local dialect and provincial pretensions.

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