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Double Linked List Program in C++


#include < iostream.h >
#include < conio.h >
#include < stdlib.h >
struct node
     int data;
     node *prev, *next;
                }*q, *temp, *start=NULL;
int c1, c2 ;
void create();
void display();
void insert();
void del();
void main()
                cout << " \t\t ******* MAIN MENU ******\n" ;
                cout << " press 1 for adding data \n" ;
                cout << " press 2 for displaying data \n " ;
                cout << " press 3 for insertion \n " ;
                cout << " press 4 for deletion \n " ;
                cout << " press 0 for exit\n " ;
                char ch;
                     case '1':
                     case '2':
                     case '3':
                     case '4':

                     case '0':
 void create()
    temp = new node;
    temp -> next = NULL;
    cout << "\nEnter data\n " ;
    cin >> temp -> data ;
    if(start == NULL)
                start = temp;
                temp -> prev = NULL;
                q= start;
                while(q->next != NULL)
                    q = q->next;
                q->next = temp;
                temp->prev = q;
 void display()
                   q = q->next;
 void insert()
      cout << " Press 1 for insertion at start\n " ;
      cout << "Press 2 for insertion at middle\n " ;
      cout << "Press 3 for insertion at end\n " ;
      int choice;
                   case 1:
                                  temp = new node;
                                  cout<<"Enter data \n";
                                  start->prev =temp;
                                  temp->next = start;
                                  start =  temp;
                                  temp -> prev = NULL;
                   case 2:
                                  cout<<"Enter the data aftre which u want to add this\n";
                                  int ch;
                                  q= start;
                                       if(q->data == ch)
                                                   temp = new node;
                                                   cout<<"Enter data \n";
                                                   q->next->prev = temp;
                                                   temp->next = q->next;
                                                   temp->prev = q;
                                                   q->next = temp;

                                       q = q->next;
                   case 3:
                                  temp = new node;
                                  cout<<"Enter data\n";
                                  cin>> temp->data;
                                  temp->next = NULL;
                                  q =  start;
                                  while(q->next != NULL)
                                      q= q->next;
                                  q->next =  temp;
                                  temp->prev = NULL;
 void del()
    cout<<"Enter the data you want to delete \n";
    int num;
    q = start;
    if (start->data == num)
    start = start -> next;
    while(q != NULL)
       if(q->next->data == num)
                   temp = q->next;
                   q->next = temp->next;
                   temp->next->prev = q;
                   delete temp;
       q = q->next;

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