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Mutual respect is pretty much important to keep peace within society and specially for the kind of society we are living in. The only thing we significantly needed not to pay any kind of heed to rumors and speculations which are just around everywhere, why we need to do so because if we come across our media role the only thing they know better than any other thing to overstate any small piece of information into most dire news. This kind of concept and thing needed to be changed it not only spread disappointment and hopelessness all around the country but it is also reflect negative image of the whole country to the rest of world. How we can contribute our part of work to change such kind of mindset is to get educated our children on high quality standards it is most basic and vital step towards minding any society. We all need to awake, it is time to do something good and special for our country and we can do it so easily by arising awareness in our society. We need someone to take step towards building and awaking nation.
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